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Introduction - what is this all about?

Below you will find three maps of London onto which have been plotted all the locations mentioned in Peter Ackroyd's three novels - Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem, Hawksmoor and The House of Doctor Dee. Each marker shows the name of the location mentioned along with all the pages the location is mentioned.

These maps have been created in order to help understand the relationship between representations of the city (in this case London) and the reality of the structure of the ciy. By mapping the locations from these fictional texts I aim to gain some insight into how the city is used in fiction and what this use mains in terms of the structure of the actual city.

This blog has been created in order to further enhance the experience of reading a text, creating a level of interactivity between the reader, author and setting.

Comments on the map are open to everyone in order to be open to feedback on what the representation of the text in this visual form means to the reader if anything. In looking at these maps I would hope readers consider ideas such as:

- Does seeing these maps add to your experience of the book, if you have read one?
- Does this make more inclined to read one of the books mapped below?

Tuesday 5 August 2008

The House of Dr. Dee

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The map above shows all the locations from Peter Ackroyd's The House of Doctor Dee marked with the page numbers they appear on. (Penguin Books, 1994)


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